Rapper 50 Cent Releases Self-Help Book

by Harley Houghton
in Latest

50 Cent, real name Curtis Jackson, has taken his own personal life lessons and shared them with us all in the name of helping with the release of his new motivational book, “Hustle Harder, Hustle Smarter.” The Queens rapper has never been shy about his past, being one of those rare individuals who demonstrates remarkable transparency and honesty when speaking about himself.

50 Cent has overcome his impoverished, troubled beginnings to become one of the most influential and successful rap artists of our time, netting himself multiple music awards, including the industry’s highest honour, a Grammy in 2010 for his “Crack A Bottle” collaboration with Eminem and Dr. Dre.  

His book feels like its purpose is to both guide us to follow in his footsteps, whilst also avoiding some of the errors he feels he has made. It is wonderfully written; you can almost hear his voice in your head as you turn each page. He does not seem to avoid any topic, nothing feels taboo. From his criminal activity as a youth, to more recent controversies and even revealing some spicy feuds with other rappers and celebrities, 50 Cent is inviting us into his world, his very mind. 

“Hustle Harder, Hustle Smarter” feels very different from most other self-help efforts. This book possesses a genuineness and warmth that is very difficult to fake. The emotions and passion within the words are real. 50 Cent wants us to hear him. And he wants us to become better people as a result. The key theme in this book is so clear it practically screams at us as it leaps off the page. Don’t give up. He offers us example after example of times when he could have thrown in the towel, reminding us that if he had, he would never have ended up where he is today.

50 Cent’s foray in the motivational, self-help field feels like a breath of fresh air wafting into an industry that was starting to feel stale. Nothing feels forced or contrived here. He is a man who’s been through some rough times, picked himself back up and gone on to achieve success. And in sharing his journey with us, he hopes we will find it in ourselves to stay the course, pursue and achieve our dreams, just as he did.

Harley Houghton
Author: Harley Houghton
Harley Houghton is a writer and blogger, based in Melbourne, Australia. Her passions include music, especially metal, gaming and comics. Check out her blog www.harleysmadhouse.com and follow her on Twitter.