Jessie Reyez’s New Single ‘Love In The Dark’ Reveals Her Vulnerabilities Amidst a Dramatic Backdrop

by Shaoni Das
in Reviews

With ‘Love In The Dark’, Jessie Reyez continues along her upward trajectory to achieving global stardom; the single is brooding, emotional and powerful, functioning as the perfect vehicle to stretch out her vocal cords, reveal her vulnerabilities and explore a high-value production aesthetic for the accompanying music video.

The Canadian singer-songwriter has been announced as part of the much-coveted Coachella 2020 line-up, so she will be readying a solid set over the next couple of months to impress her existing crew of fans, and hopefully, gather a couple thousand more during the buzziest music event of the year. 

Born in Toronto, Reyez exploded into the scene a couple of years ago with her raw, chilling acoustic-heavy single ‘Figures’, an exemplary showcase of her true, abrasive vocals by which she has defined her musical persona. Whereas ‘Figures’ was lauded for its so-called rough and oftentimes brazen approach to heartbreak, ‘Love in the Dark’ is unapologetically gentle and affection. It details the amount of love that exists within the ‘dark’, and how she is willing to be the steadfast pillar of support for her doubtful lover. The composition also relies quite immensely on a string-orchestral arrangement, the calmness of the instrumentations reinforcing the softness of the song. The rhythms are even, her vocals are expectedly dynamic, and the music video is a marvel in terms of how well it incorporates a cinematic feel to the proceedings. 

Although Reyez has been working steadily over the past years, garnering heaps of domestic and international awards for herself along the way, she is yet to release her debut album. Luckily for her fans, her debut studio album has been announced in conjunction with this single; Before Love Came To Kill Us is set to release on March 27th, 2020. An accomplished songwriter on her own merit, Reyez has also contributed to the discographies of Calvin Harris, Dua Lipa, and Sam Smith. She speaks on her progress, saying;

It’s been nice. It’s been a lot of work, it’s been a lot of no sleep… It’s a little scary too, because it’s just the beginning. I feel like I’m still a rookie - there’s so many things I’m still learning and everything,” Jessie Reyez

  R&B      Singer-songwriter 

Shaoni Das
Author: Shaoni Das
Shaoni Das is a writer/editor currently based in Edmonton, Canada. She remains eager to inspect how the changing culture of music impacts upon the greater world.