Review: Ava Max - Dancing’s Done
- by Phil Arnold
- in Reviews

Ava Max is a 28 year old American singer songwriter, who has been in the public domain for a lot longer than you might imagine. She broke onto the scene in 2016 and has been growing her fanbase ever since.
The beauty of music, and the arts in general, is that the meaning of a piece can be open to different interpretations. For me, the words in Ava Max’s latest release have created a picture of the end of a night out, where the music has stopped and the couple dancing have to decide what is next in their adventure together.
As Dancing’s Done starts we hear very close harmony synth vocals, reminiscent of choral music; just before the main vocal kicks in we have an electronic brass sound, all with lots of reverb, giving the song a floaty feel. The first verse is softer, but when the main hook comes in the dance vibe gets released! The addition of off beat stabs helps change the mood and gives the track a foot tapping, sexy feel. The vocals are high in the mix and the lyrics remain similar, but the step up works and helps us really get into Dancing’s Done.
There are a lot of writers on this track, and I think the collaboration works. It feels like a track that could have been released at any point in the last 30 years, which is surely the sign of a good tune!
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