tags: instrumental
- 501. Applied Acoustic Systems Introduces Chromaphone Synthesizer
- (Latest)
- ... instrumental sounds. For music producers who want to bring about realistic instrumental sounds using a synthesizer. With the Chromaphone it is said that you can create Drum skins, plates, ...
- Created on 28 November 2011
- 502. Cameraphone sales to pass the one billion mark this year
- (Latest)
- ... being sold through the year, pushing sales over the billion mark the first ever time. Instrumental in this growth is the increasing popularity of mobile phones with a five megapixel or higher resolution ...
- Created on 08 April 2011
- 503. Latest Most Popular Top 15 Pop Soungs
- (Latest)
- ... is the recent famous and funky instrumental arrangement which is perfect. - B.o.B released “Magic” which sounds remarkably like something from André 3000 of OutKast. It is a brilliant combination of ...
- Created on 26 October 2010