Western Music vs. Indian Music
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It is very easy to differentiate between western and the Indian due to the distinct differences between their characteristics. The basic and the main difference is that the Indian music is based on the melody or the single notes that are played in a given order where as the western music has harmony and notes played together.
The Indian music draws people towards a solitary space to forget our worries. On the other hand, the western music brings you to the dance floor. Indian music is aimed at isolating one and the western music aims to bring people together and closer to forget their worries.
Indian music shakes our spiritual sense and discipline to make us realize our self salvation. In west, singing is adopted as a formal and a secular exercise without the element of devotion and commitment. A variety of subtleties is only possible in Indian music and it is impossible in western music.
The elements of rhythm and melody are also very obvious in the Indian music but the element of harmony that is a trademark of the western music. The classical Indian singing is horizontal as one note always follows by the other.
The western music is vertical in a sense that there are many notes that are played at a time. So it means that if you want to praise any of the Indian or the western music, you will need to use different standards and different ways to do it.
The repetitive rhythm and melody of the Indian music is very fascinating and charming and it frees the mind from all the worries. The western music needs the help of a composer to compose the music in the supervision of the music conductor where as an Indian song is based upon the creativity of the singer.
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