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Sharon Wants Ozzy Osbourne to Sober Up

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Rumours that Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne’s marriage is on the rocks are rife after further claims including that Sharon won’t be ready to reconcile with him until Ozzy is completely sober.

The Black Sabbath legend has battled with alcohol and drug addictions many times in the past but has apparently been struggling once again for the last 18 months and now Sharon has gone away to Mexico without him.


Gossip website TMZ claims: "Even though Ozzy says he's been sober for 44 days... it's not enough for her.”


"She's been living with this most recent bout of drug and alcohol abuse for a year-and-a-half, and Sharon is saying 44 days doesn't make that go away."


The website continues by saying that she isn't planning to end the marriage but to get them back on track, Ozzy must kick his habits for good.


"They've been through hell and back together. They're not breaking up," s source told the site.


Ozzy himself has taken to his own Facebook page to comment about the situation saying:


“For the last year and a half I have been drinking and taking drugs.”


"I was in a very dark place and was an a**e to the people I love most, my family... I would like to apologise to Sharon, my family, my friends and my band mates for my insane behaviour during this period. and my fans."


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