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Music Helps Increase IVF Fertilisation Rate, a Study Suggests

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A study carried out by Spanish researchers has shown that during IVF treatment, if an egg is played music, there is a 5% higher chance of it being fertilised.

The study was carried out by scientists at Barcelona's Marques Institute fertility clinic where they played a range of music after injecting eggs with sperm.


Each of the 1000 eggs were placed in incubators and music was played to half of them through iPods with the rest having no music played.


A variety of artist were played including Nirvana, Metallica, Madonna and Michael Jackson with others having a more cultured start to life being serenaded with classical pieces from the likes of Back, Mozart and Vivaldi.


It was found that the eggs that were played music had a 5% higher rate of fertilisation though the study hasn’t as yet distinguished a difference between different artist’s music.


It is thought that the higher rate is caused by the vibrations that the music creates and this helps with the flow of nutrients to the egg as well as the removal of toxic materials.


An expert in fertility at Oxford University, Dr Dagan Wells suggests that the best kind of music to improve fertilisation rate could be techno music because of the bass. He said: "Embryos produced using IVF sit on a dish, stewing in their own juices but those produced naturally are wafted down the fallopian tubes, rocking and rolling all their way to the uterus. This movement means that the embryo experiences a very dynamic environment, which may have some advantages, particularly in terms of getting rid of waste products. The vibrations caused by music may stimulate this effect. One might speculate that techno music, with its pounding bass beat, might do the best job of all."

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