Ozzy Causes Trouble With Restaurant Demands
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Black Sabbath legend Ozzy Osbourne reportedly caused drama at an Italian restaurant in London when he insisted on being served a curry.
Osbourne was dining with wife Sharon and her X Factor colleagues when he made the demand at celebrity hotspot Cipriani.
Despite being told that the restaurant only served European-style cuisine, Ozzy apparently seemed undeterred and demanded that the serving staff bring him a curry.
A source told The Mirror: "He wanted a curry and as far as he was concerned that was the end of it. Obviously staff were keen to keep their high-profile guests happy, so waiters were dispatched to a nearby curry house in Mayfair and ordered a takeaway for Ozzy.
"They rushed it back and served it up - still warm - on C-branded plates as the rest of the table were served their dinners."
Although Sharon had apparently tried to deter Ozzy from making the outrageous demand, he apparently seemed unfazed and enjoyed tucking in to the curry.
The source continued: "Ozzy was completely unfazed by the situation, and insisted he was in the mood for a curry.
"Sharon and Louis Walsh kept telling him he should just have a nice bowl of pasta or something, but he wouldn't budge."
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