Police Release New Kurt Cobain Crime Scene Photos

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Seattle Police have released new photos that were taken at the scene of Kurt Cobain’s suicide.

35 new photos have materialised in the run-up to the 20th anniversary of the singer’s death and have only recently been developed as part of a re-investigation of the case leading up to the anniversary.


The police department claims that they have new made the photographs public in order to stifle the conspiracy theories that have run rampant since the singer’s death.


Amongst the photo includes one that shows Cobain’s suicide note with a pen stuck through it as well as one that depicts a heroin kit which Cobain used to fuel his heroin habit.


The original investigation by the police concluded that Cobain had committed suicide 3 days before he was found by an electrician who had come to work on the house but despite this ruling, there have been many other theories surrounding the circumstances of his death.

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