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Progression of Pop Music through the Years

in Latest

The term, Pop Music, is derived from the word Popular Music, it was first used in 1926 in the sense of the music having a popular appeal.  It is the type of youth oriented music and it often carries the theme of love in short musical notes. The genre of the pop music is generally associated with the rock and roll and later rock styles.

According to the definition of Hatch and Millward, pop music is “a body of music which is distinguishable from the popular, jazz, and folk music”. The Western Pop Music is usually existing and developing separately. Also it is often characterized as a softer alternative to rock and roll.

Hitch and Millward indicates that the history of recordings in the early 90s can be seen as the birth of the modern pop music including country, blues and hillbilly music. In the United States of America the coverage of the Western Pop Music overlaps with that of rock and roll.

The term pop music is the term used in the opposition to the term, rock music, which is now used as the generic term for both types of music. Some think that pop music is produced as a matter of enterprise, not art.

Western Pop Music is designed to appeal to everyone and does not come from a particular place or taste. It is just a source of profit and economical and commercial rewards, that is why it is taken as a profession and it is properly packaged.

Western Pop Music has been influenced from the most other genres of popular music, it gained its forms from the vocal harmonies from gospels and soul music. Its instrumentation is influenced by jazz, county and rock music. The orchestration is gained from classical music, backing is from electronic music, rhythm from hip hop music, spoken passage patterns from rap and the tempo is gained from the dance music