X Factor 2010: Outraged viewers take to twitter to complain 'auto-tune' technology was used on first episode
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It is noted that the fans of the famous music programs X Factor got angry when they cam to know that to make the voice quality of some singers better, auto-tuning technology was used. They gave their opinions on various social networking sites and twitter is one of them. The auto tuning technology is usually used in studios to make the sound quality of the singers better and hide off-key mistakes.
The fans described their feelings on twitter as well as facebook. They said that the changes have been made in the voices of Zimbabwean singer Gamu Nhengu, as well as G and S star Caroline. These two stars were the most favorite of many Americans. Fans of the X factor are also doubtful and say that the voice of the Shirlena Johnson has also been auto tuned because they had already saw her incredible performance of Duffy’s Mercy.
There were different views of the viewers. One of the viewer said that he likes the program X Factor but he does not like the way the voices of the singers were auto tuned. Another viewer said that now as it is obvious that they had auto tuned the mics, it shows that they have already chosen the winners. Many people were outraged who loved X Factor and one of them stated that he is happy that he is not the only one who noticed auto tuning of the singers’ voices. Many fans registered a complaint against this act on facebook. There are many famous singers in the music industry whose voices have been auto tuned for example many songs of Brittany Spears and Cher’s song Believe.
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