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Chuck Berry Collapses While Performing Chicago Gig

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Rock and Roll legend Chuck Berry, collapsed while playing a gig in Chicago.  The 84 year old rocker, collapsed on New Year’s Day when he slumped over a keyboard in the middle of a song and was taken off stage.  After a brief rest, Chuck Berry returned to the stage treating the audience to his famous duck walk before having to leave the stage once more. He returned to his hotel after being treated by paramedics, and refused hospital treatment.

Earlier in the day he had complained about feeling unwell but refused to see a doctor.

The following day the performer returned to St Louis, the star’s hometown.

Chuck Berry’s next scheduled gig is in St Louis’s Blueberry Hill Nightclub on January 19th, where he has a monthly residency. It has not at the time of writing been cancelled.

Chuck Berry is seen as one of the pioneers of rock and roll and his style of playing, song writing, and performing have inspired hundreds of other artists. He is seen as one of the founders of Rock and Roll and has lasted over 50 years.  His performing style was the first of its kind and he has one a series of awards from Rolling Stone magazine.