Tarock Music Releases Rick Shaffer's "JITTERBUG SHAKE"

by Tarock Music
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Tarock Music’s release of Jitterbug Shake marks the sixth solo album by Rick Shaffer, and its fast, excitable sound of garage blues digs deep into his early R&B/rock & roll influences.

The album was recorded with almost every song and instrument pushing the needle into the red (i.e., overload).  Normally, that would be a problem, except for the fact that the repertory was written and conceived by Shaffer, with the likes of Chuck Berry, Bo Diddley, Slim Harpo, and early British Pretty Things and Rolling Stones in mind.  Get set to rock it to the max.

The Jitterbug Shake artwork is by talented artist, Claire Smith, whose painting, “All The Right Moves,” caught Shaffer’s attention as the perfect visual for his CD jacket.

You can read the Jitterbug Shake Liner Notes, and download a FREE mp3 of track 2, "So Tired," HERE.

The current CD and mp3 buy options are HERE.

Author: Theresa Marchione

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