Livid Lover releases new LP album 'Don't Worry, I'll Always Love You… and of Course… Mess With Your

by S McCauley
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The alternative-rock group Livid Lover has released a new LP album, “Don't Worry, I'll Always Love You... and of Course... Mess With Your Head.” The full-length record comprises nearly a full hour of highly textured, evocative rock music in 11 original tracks. It has been published as an independent release without the interference of the corporate music industry. Integrating elements of post-grunge, alt-rock, shoegaze and much more, “Don't Worry, I'll Always Love You...” from Livid Lover is a expansive, immersive rock experience that any fan of underground rock music can get lost in.



Livid Lover cites as main artistic influences Jeff Buckley, the Cure, Trent Reznor, Tool, Smashing Pumpkins, the National, Sia Furler, Teagan and Sara, and Pink Floyd. The sound of “Don't Worry...” has notable elements of each of these (the operatic composition style of Pink Floyd, the emotional access of Jeff Buckley, and the patient spaciousness of Smashing Pumpkins, for instance) which combines to form a multifaceted whole with moments of both hard and soft extremes.


This makes Livid Lover's new record hard to nail down, but one of its chief charms is that it doesn't lend itself well to categorization. Part of this, too, is the earnest and unadorned singing style of singer-songwriter Blake Nolan Hanson (also of Halo Minor). His articulate, yet passionate singing conveys all the meaning with which he has infused his very deliberate lyrics, and does so in tones reminiscent of John Doe (X) Brandon Boyd (Incubus) and Jeff Buckley.


This careful balance results in high-impact, refreshingly unassuming rock music that the listener can take as seriously or casually as he or she may like. It is accessible to nearly everyone who enjoys a good blend of hard and soft, loud and laid-back alternative rock. Like its title, “Don't Worry, I'll Always Love You... and of Course... Mess With Your Head” can be as complex or as simple as the music fan prefers. Were it liquor, one could call it smoked cognac, or just rye whiskey.


Asked to comment on the themes of their new record, Hanson writes, “This record has recurring love, loneliness and vulnerability themes. [It's about] being invisible in and to the world, and how that fact in itself can connect those bold enough to live a loner life trying to improve themselves on a daily basis.”


Some of his music has plenty of personal importance, too. One track in particular could easily have ended in tragedy.


“'Come Away,'” writes Hanson, “started as a suicide pact song a fellow songwriter and I had together that twisted into an anti-suicide song. I strive to be compelling and unique in my writing. I feel it to be very important.”


'Unique' (not to say 'weird') describes Livid Lover's sound fairly well – a trick nobody has perfected. Hanson knows this and respects the value of it, too.


“All I've learned about the dying music industry I keep in the back of my mind as a silly motivator,” says Hanson. “I'm ever trying to prove wrong the old formulas. I feel I am un-pigeonhole-able and don't take myself too seriously, but I do make serious efforts to drop jaws with my projects. I try to be epic and write my interpretation of beautiful is what I'm getting at. I feel conformity is the wrong path to walk.”

Livid Lover plays and performs in the Minneapolis area.


“Don't Worry, I'll Always Love You... and of Course... Mess With Your Head” by Livid Lover is available beginning Aug. 22, 2015.


-S. McCauley

Lead Press Release Writer


“Don't Worry, I'll Always Love You... and of Course... Mess With Your Head” by Livid Lover –

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Author: S McCauley

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