Rihanna “S&M” video too hot to handle
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The latest video from singer Rihanna has been dubbed an adult only affair as it has reportedly already been banned in 11 countries while MTV are considering editing it for daytime viewers.
The steamy video shows Rihanna sucking on a banana, leading famed internet blogger Perez Hilton around on a dogs lead and even simulating sex with a blow up doll.
Viewers wanting to see the action for themselves on Youtube are asked to confirm that they are over 18 before they are even able to see the video online.
Not only are the images for the “S&M” video for adults only, the lyrics are also causing a stir with raunchy lines such as “Whips and chains excite me” and “Sex is in the air, I love the smell of it” making this a song very much for the over 18 only market.
While parents will be working to ensure their children will be avoiding the video Rihanna has snapped back at the bans and toning down.
She tweeted: “They watched Umbrella...I was full nude. U can now view the S&M video on www.rihannanow.com UNFLAGGED!!!”
The singer has been hitting the headlines a lot recently for her sexy performances including her appearance on the X-Factor where her semi dressed performance led to an avalanche of complaints as to the suitability of the singer on a family entertainment show.
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