Ricky Martin to pick up gay award
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Women have swooned after the charming Puerto Rican singing star for years and when Ricky Martin announced to the world last year that he was gay, legions of fans wept into their pillows, however he now has a new army of fans and will be honored by the gay community with a GLAAD.
The 39 year old pop star, who has old more than 60 million albums world wide, will be recognised for his work to encourage equal rights and is due to pick up the Vito Russo award from the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, GLAAD, during the annual media awards.
President of GLAAD, Jarrett Barrios sad: “Ricky coming out as a game changer for many gay and transgender Latino children, who for far too long did not have many out there gay people to look up to.”
He added: “Through his music, videos and interviews, Ricky has sent an important message that our community wants the same things all people do; an equal chance to raise our families and take care of our loved ones.”
Also being honored at the awards ceremony to take place on April 10 in New York is Kristin Chenoweth of Glee fame.
Chenoweth played the role of drunken April Rhodes and has been recognised for her stance defending the ability of gay actors to be able to play straight roles.
Jarrett Barrios said: “When allies like Kristin take such powerful stands against anti-gay sentiments in the media, it sends an important message of equality. It is a privilege to honour such a talented and conscientious advocate of fairness towards the LGBT community.”
Ricky Martin has previously said that he feels “very blessed to be a fortunate homosexual man” and is being kept busy looking after his twin boys who were born to a surrogate mother in 2008.
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