Director / music artist Kaiju the Unconquerable releases new video and short film 'Cyberpunk 2050'
- by S McCauley
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The director and music artist known as Kaiju the Unconquerable has released his new video and short film, “Cyberpunk 2050.” The video has been proudly published on the AllUnsigned independent label without the control of the corporate music or film industries. It is the sixth installment in a series of official releases. Sleek, bleak, and as futuristic as a hacker with a jet pack, “Cyberpunk 2050” stands as evidence that Kaiju the Unconquerable isn't just a talented rap producer performer, but a skilled cinematic storyteller, besides.
Kaiju the Unconquerable cites as main artistic influences Kanye West,the Wu-Tang Clan, MF Doom, DMX, Lupe Fiasco, Lil Wayne, Eminem, Diplomats, G-Unit, Asian culture, Sci-fi, Ridley Scott, Quentin Tarantino, Neill Blomkamp, John Carpenter, Bruce Lee, comic books, and street fashion.
Kaiju the Unconquerable says of his start in hip hop he began by, “Writing battle raps after watching Smack DVD in '06. I totally took music seriously once I started coming out of my pocket to spend for mixing and mastering. That's when the dedication started.”
Speaking strictly of the music, Kaiju The Unconquerable’s rap has been compared to Kendrick Lamar in the sense that his lyric content often tends toward the collegiate and thought-provoking, with better diction than may be expected by fans familiar mostly with mainstream radio hip hop.
“I feel like a hero almost,” says Kaiju, “like I gotta change hip hop and bring back innovation and originality because imitation seems to be the virus killing the art.”
Riley Wallace of writes of Kaiju's work:
“One part MF DOOM, one part living breathing Anime story line, Southwest Miami, rapper Kaiju The Unconquerable is in a lane all his own. A glorified, self-identified nerd, he started rocking stages at comic conventions — and even has the credit of being the first Hip-Hop artist ever to be featured in Shonen Jump, which has been the (print) ground-zero of all things Manga since it was launch 49 years ago.
“Kaiju differs from other 'weirdo' rappers, though — unlike an act like DOOM, he isn’t a character (per se). His songs and his image don’t hinge on each other to coexist. I mean, he uses a healthy amount comic and anime references, but no more than your average nerd-core spitter. He thrives on a wave-appropriate trappish vibe.
“Case and point is his newest release, 'CYBERPUNK 2050.' Over a bouncy trap tinged instrumental, he criticizes artists who create fake personas via social media that they can’t necessarily live up to in real life. 'I’m the kid with the new option, fans waiting like a shoe dropping,' he raps amid a laid back, well-paced barrage of straight bars. Like, this kid can rap!
“Where the nerdery comes in is his visual treatment. In this case, “CYBERPUNK 2050” serves as the sixth installment of an ongoing series of self-directed videos that Kaiju has been dropping over the past year. It’s a complicated storyline to explain, buy in this episode; Kaiju has used a portal to the future, and — to keep it simple — is engaged in some dope martial arts hijinx that make for an entertaining and engaging 6-minute watch.
“Artists are NOT putting this level of original thought process into their sh-t — don’t @ me!”
“'I love embracing who I am that’s why I respect Wu-Tang so much,' he told Lisa Ford Blog last year. 'Because even though they’re from the streets, they embraced the fact they were fans of martial arts movies.' It’s easy to make stylistic parallels to the dedication they have to their respective overarching themes.
“Kaiju has a great back catalog, with a full-length LP, ONI, and then all the material used for his video series following. It’s not clear if there is an actual project lined up that will house records like 'Forbidden' and 'Note 7' ( a banger, BTW) and this new one, but get acquainted — and get ready.”
The narrative of “Cyberpunk 2050” will appeal to fans of popular sci-fi films such as “Blade Runner” and “The Matrix,” with neon lights, flying cars, gun play and martial arts forming key elements. Imaginative costuming and special effects are ever-present in the video, with the background title track retaining the spotlight.
“Cyberpunk 2050,” written, performed, produced and directed by Kaiju the Unconquerable is available online worldwide now.
-S. McCauley
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