Lancastrian Indie Folk Band- The Low Countries Release Song "Gent"

by Adam Bailey
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Gent, is the second single taken from the forthcoming new album ('We Weathered The Storm') and will be released at the end of March 2018 via Nub/ADA/Warners. 

The video was shot on location by Nigel and uses, wherever possible, authentic Belgians and their many wonderful beers. 

Gent (or Ghent if you’re not Belgian) deserves a song. If New York has several then why not Gent? Naturally Nigel fell deeply in love with the place way back in 1994, visited as often as possible over the years and really hopes to play the song to its lovely citizens (with the band) sometime soon. Nigel originally wrote the song for an EP based on Flanders in 2012. He had the chorus already in his head before he sat down and rhymed off all the things he loved about the place. So not only is it a damn catchy song but it’s a useful tour guide as well. 

Once the band started to play it live the song got even better, thumping beats, bonkers solos - a natural set closer which they couldn’t wait to record! When are we going??


‘Like a lost track off Abbey Road’ @coffeehopper


‘(The Low Countries)...revisiting an older number with considerable aplomb, it bodes well for their forthcoming self-titled album’ Rock ‘n’ Reel Magazine


‘Excellent live, and if you think indie folk can't do a BIG sound then think again’.. @BigJimCambo


‘Sonic bliss’ Ola’s Kool Kitchen


‘Rousing delivery’ Unsigned and Independent


‘Such a shaggable voice’ (anon)

About The Low Countries:

The Low Countries are songwriter-singer Nigel Parrington with up to four other musicians, depending on babysitters. Their new album 'We Weathered The Storm' will be released by Nub/ADA/Warner on the 25th of May 2018. Ten great songs, some old, some new, a definitive last hurrah. The first single 'Putty' is released on the 2nd of February and can be pre-ordered here


Nigel started writing songs during the great war(Blur won) in a remote Mental Hospital in Hertfordshire. He escaped to London and formed The High Ones with Mark Lee (The Pocket Gods)- Nigel wrote most of their indie-pop style songs and tours of Belgium and the home counties ensued. They met Sinead O’Connor and Nigel saw Terry Nutkins standing on a roof. A double A-side single ‘Sunny Day/Northern Skies’ was a hit in Belgium and Nigel toured Studio Brussels placing their EP in random drawers, where they remain. Nigel changed his name to Niels and moved to Antwerp - The High Ones had one last gig in The Borderline after drinking several Antwerp bars dry and conversing with dEUS.


Nigel worked briefly for Warner Bros Belgium and through this contact The Low Countries were born, going on to win valuable studio time in a few swanky Flemish studios, all of which boasted that ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ was recorded on their sound desk. During this ‘Flemish blue period’ Nigel soaked up Flemish sounds & smells & wrote some classic songs - witty lyrics with a rich skein of melancholy. 


Moving back to the North of England in 2006 Nigel was signed to Nub Music and began releasing 7 albums over a period of 8 years. In 2014 Nigel & Els formed a 5-piece band with Rob Daniels (drums/vocals), Darren Leadsom (bass/vocals) and Marc Nellis (lead guitar) - they recorded an EP in 2016 and in 2017 Marc left the band but returned for guest guitar on the band's new album out this year. 


Nigel’s songs have been played on BBC Radio 6, BBC Radio 1, BBC Radio Lancashire, Amazing Radio,, Folk Radio UK, Dandelion Radio, Beyond Radio,Studio Brussels, Radio Centraal and Sky TV.

Some reviews:

'indie-folk at its best...' Folk Radio UK

'Blissfully wonderful music' Beehive Candy

'They make literate, clever music that makes Belle and Sebastian look like a bunch of thugs' Popshifter

'Like a lost track off Abbey Road' @coffeehopper(on Sun Street (2015))

'excellent songs from a gifted songwriter' Mark Christopher Lee (Nub Music MD

'making music that makes the world a better place' @indiebandsblog

'Beautiful...'The Invisible Ray' will most likely become a lost treasure. We just hope that in a few years it's uncovered and given the respect it deserves' The Sound Of Confusion

'I'm...struggling to see how they've not found greater recognition for past works and could 'The Invisible Ray' be a seminal album?' Ralph's Life

'Parrington's son has apparently predicted that his dad's songs will be famous after he dies. Pennyblackmusic readers would be advised not to wait that long' Pennyblack Music (The Greatest Bits)

‘captivating to a fault’ Folk and Roots

‘indie-folk at its best, I love it’ Folk Radio UK

’english psyche pop folk masterpiece - syd barrett meets nick drake with glorious beatles harmonies and northern wit - album of the year’ MBop Magazine

’..The Low Countries: splendid melancholia which sounds like a North Country version of Golden Smog or Josh Rouse. Nigel Parrington is definitely onto something’ Howard Byrom, The Lancaster Guardian 4 05 07

’Really tasty stuff - a little beauty!!’ Peter J Brown aka toxic pete (

‘Beautiful South meets Richard Thompson…really fine mellow tunes’ Fresh Air FM

’shades of Ryan Adams…Gram Parsons and Emmy lou Harris…elsewhere Tell Her could be lifted from the Beatles’ back catalogue…’

To stream or download these materials, follow this link:

Distribution by ADA/Warners

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