Aussie Live Music Venues in Danger of Being Lost Forever Without Government Help

by Harley Houghton
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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia has long been held as the undisputed music capital of Australia. But that glorious title now hangs in precarious doubt, due to ongoing COVID-19 restrictions.

Iconic venues like Revolver Upstairs, The Croxton Bandroom, The Old Bar, 170 Russell and The Tote, are becoming in real danger of needing to close their doors forever. In the present climate, hosting events is just not feasible. The social distancing and restrictions on public gatherings have made it economically impossible for venues to put on shows, which means they are significantly hurting financially.

Spokespeople for these venues have made it clear that they place public safety and adhering to government regulations as first and foremost. But it cannot be denied that as the restrictions continue, Melbourne is facing a growing threat of having to farewell some of its most beloved live music locations. 

The Victorian Government has reportedly met with representatives of the above venues and been presented with a 1,500-signature strong e-petition, the largest ever received. The initiative was created by the Save Our Scene group, with the goal of seeing some movement towards rescuing these premises from certain doom. Previously, Victorian Parliament had issued the message that they were looking into the concerns of live music venues and considering offering some form of financial assistance. No money has been provided, and no overhead relief has been offered, leaving owners unable to pay rent, insurance, cleaning, and other associated costs that remain present whether venues are open for shows or not.

The owners of these venues have become understandably frustrated and afraid. As the Victorian Premier has recently announced the state will have several restrictions reimposed due to new COVID-19 cases being reported, it is clear this current climate will persevere for some time. This could be time these venues simply do not have. Results of a recent survey indicate that without financial assistance, 45% of Victorian music venues will be forced to close their doors by the end of the year.

Melbourne’s music scene has become such an integral part of the city’s culture, boasting the highest number of live music venues per head of population in the entire world. That was before COVID-19. Now, that remarkable achievement hangs in doubt, as owners struggle to keep up with the ongoing costs of maintaining these businesses when they cannot earn any money.

Parliament has committed to considering the petition and holding further conversations with members of the live music and entertainment industry. Meanwhile, Melbourne locals remain holding our breath, hoping for some good news for our beloved and treasured music venues. If you would like to help, check out for more information.

Harley Houghton
Author: Harley Houghton
Harley Houghton is a writer and blogger, based in Melbourne, Australia. Her passions include music, especially metal, gaming and comics. Check out her blog and follow her on Twitter.

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