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Emo Haircuts Apparently Don't Cause Lazy Eye Syndrome

in Latest

Various reports have been circulating the internet over the last 24 hours that 'Emo' fans who have long haircuts covering one eye, could lead to vision problems. The distinctive look is often seen in young people and is often related to the punk/rock music scene.



Reports were first made by an Australian Optometrists who said that hair which is covering one eye for long periods of time could cause Lazy Eye Syndrome because its not seeing a lot of detail. Medically known as Amblyopic


"If a young emo chap has a fringe covering one eye all the time, that eye won't see a lot of detail. And if it happens from a young age, that eye can become Amblyopic".

Since the claim was made, several doctors have spoke against it stating that this would only be the case if it was covered totally 24/7 for long periods of time and was somebody who was very young.


News site MSNBC announced that the facts were wrong but the subject still seems to be bringing an air of amusement online. You can only imagine what comments have been said


The rumors have since sparked fire amongst the young 'Emo' generation on social networks Facebook and Twitter, many say that its just another way to single out emo kids. Others unhappy about the source of the original story. Many found it amusing and said it was just stupid.
