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Musical Heart: the Ingenious Upcoming Fitness Smartphone App

in Latest

A new music app that will have fitness enthusiasts reaching of their running shoes is set to be announced at next month’s SenSys conference in Toronto.

Known as “MusicalHeart”, the app monitors the user’s heart rate through a sensor in the ear bud and sends data through the internet, choosing the next track to play.


So for example, if the user is in the middle of a ten mile jog and their heart rate is highly raised, a song with a faster tempo will be played to spur them on. If however, you’re sat on the sofa eating biscuits then a slower song will be played. Unless you really like biscuits that is.


Fitness conscious users can set their own fitness goals and parameters which will then determine the type of music that the app will choose. The app can also be tailored to recognise different situations users might find themselves in, such as travelling and can then become context sensitive.


Essentially, “MusicalHeart” can pretty much soundtrack your life which could be quite interesting. I’m sure everybody has climbed some stairs with the “Rocky” theme going through their head. This may not be the practical application the developers were hoping for but it surely is one of the most entertaining!
