Dennis DiChiaro Receives 7 FPCM Red Carpet Award Nominations

by Adam Bailey
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2025 is starting out as a phenomenal year for Dennis DiChiaro launched by Colt Records

In 2024 alone, Dennis achieved several top positions on independent and alternative charts and continues to climb in both popularity and rankings worldwide. Now, in 2025, he's kicking off the year with seven Fair Play Country Music Award nominations.

Check out Dennis DiChiaro's recent seven nominations here, including accolades for 'Songwriter of the Year' and 'Most Appreciated Artist of the Year.'

Fair Play Country Music honors all genres of music. They tribute songwriters, vocalists, performers, entertainers, music videos, albums, songs, music industry professionals and many other categories of independent music. Their panel of judges include musicians and music industry professionals.

Colt Records was started back in September 1998 by J.K. Coltrain and has had numerous #1 singles and has won awards as Indie Record Label of The Year in 2016, Best Country Album of The Year by The Texas CMA, 3 time Colorado CMA Album of The Years Awards and The Top Country Album of The Year in Great Britain in 2009.


Adam Bailey
Author: Adam Bailey
Adam is a regular contributor for established press release distribution website He writes on a wide range of topics including music.

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