Interview: Gildor talks new music, influences & standout gig
- by Andrew Braithwaite
- in Interviews

Dutch artist Gildor has just introduced himself to UK audiences with his latest single and video ‘Thinking Back’. The folk-pop singer-songwriter is emerging from a niche scene of musicians in the Netherlands that is slowly growing, and he’s already starting to establish his name further afield.
Interestingly, Gildor only started singing at the age of 21. Since then he’s managed to produce breezy melodies, reflective lyricism and a warm, organic live sound. The vocals on ‘Thinking Back’ have been described as soothingly serene, so it seems Gildor possesses that natural talent many aspire to.
Recently we caught up with Gildor to ask some further questions about him as an artist.
You recently shared your latest single ‘Thinking Back’. How has the reception and feedback been so far?
I got some cool reactions of people digging the simplicity and hearing the JJ Cale influence, which is great to hear!
I read you didn't actually start singing until you were 21. Was this singing to the public or singing full stop? Do you wish you started sooner?
Mostly singing to other people, but the funny thing is I don't even really recall singing to myself before that time (other than trying to grunt). I don't mind though, it came when I felt like doing it.
Your other song "What's The Deal Again?" is described as stepping into Americana / indie-folk territory. What's the scene like for this type of music in the Netherlands?
There's a growing scene for this kind of stuff I feel, though it still remains a niche compared to synth-driven music. Indie-pop (also lots of Dutch sung) music is most popular now in NL I think.
You've already started introducing yourself to UK audiences. Are there any festivals or shows further afield you have in your sights you would love to play?
Not specifically, I would just love the experience of actually touring outside of NL for now. So classic pop-temples are cool and all but I certainly don't mind small local places where the ambience is very up close and intimate. Those are often my favourite shows to play.
Have you got a local favourite venue that you like to play back home?
Definitely Paradiso, Amsterdam.
Who are your influences?
Vetiver, Jack Johnson, JJ Cale, John Martyn.
Who would be your number1 favourite person to collaborate with?
Jim James, I love everything about that guy.
Have you got a standout gig or show you have played?
Played Hotel Cafe in Los Angeles a few years ago which was a trip.
Have you got any shows lined up for the future?
Some local shows and february 2nd Tivoli, Utrecht!
Is there a new band or artist you're currently into at the moment?
Kikagaku Moyo, though they just played their goodbye tour, haha.
Thanks Gildor- all the best for the future!
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