Review: Gregory Porter's Latest Song 'If Love Is Overrated' 

by Phil Arnold
in Reviews

One thing we certainly know is that Gregory Porter is not overrated, even if love is. At 48 years young, his voice and experience is developing more and more with each release.

It has been 7 years since his highly successful Liquid Spirit and 10 since his first ever single. With a massive fan base and large back catalogue of songs, he is getting a lot of well deserved airtime on radio and streaming sites. 

With strings and a classic score to start ‘If love is overrated’’ then moves beautifully on to introduce a piano and the soulful wonder that is Gregory Porter’s voice. His voice can transcend genres and this is far softer than a lot of his better known hits. However, put this on on a rainy Sunday afternoon, gaze out of the window and have a glass of red by your side and the world’s okay. Throughout the song, the blend and mix of piano, electric piano and strings is angelic, with soft percussion pushing the rhythm. We are even given a saxophone break towards the end, and you think to yourself that the track couldn’t get any smoother, but the precision of the sax, the cymbal rides and brush strokes on the snare drum just sit wonderfully in a song that already sounds timeless. 

I hear this song in a film score, it fits perfectly, I hear it on TV adverts, but more importantly, I hope to hear it a lot over the next few weeks. It is different to other songs and harks back to the ‘Rat Pack’ era of class and allows Gregory Porter to yet again showcase the unique, warm and incredible voice. 

 Singer-songwriter      Jazz 

Phil Arnold
Author: Phil Arnold
Phil Arnold is a musician, producer and music reviewer from Devon, in the South West of England. Whilst not writing music reviews, Phil also writes and records under the name of Ugbrooke.