Review: The Eulogy of You and Me - LILHUDDY

by Nicholas Gaudet
in Reviews

With the sudden rise of pop punk, it’s no wonder artists finally embrace their inner emo in the midst of this resurgence. The Eulogy of You and Me is just about as pop-punk as it gets, with a more modern edge, but using all the same tropes and sounds that make the genre so beloved.

It’s impossible to get into this review without acknowledging the elephant in the room – LILHUDDY has had a name for himself for some time. I will be the first to admit that I’ve only heard his name mentioned amongst Tik Tok circles. His face was synonymous with the controversy-fueled Hype House, and despite being completely disconnected from that whole world, LILHUDDY was mentioned in my surroundings every now and then. When I learned he made music, I expected what every other influencer who makes music – a rap track. Nothing wrong with that, but it’s standard at this point. When The Eulogy of You and Me begun, however, I was very, very pleasantly surprised. LILHUDDY subverted all expectations by releasing a summer emo anthem in the middle of winter, and it rocks. The production is crisp, the musicians do a great job bringing the song to life, and most impressively, LILHUDDY is a great singer, albeit with quite a lot of autotune. His low melodies were exactly the delivery you’d expect for this type of a song, but then came harmony. And before I had the time to process the mere fact that there were harmonies in this song, the chorus kicks in. This is where the song shines the brightest. The artist raises his voice an octave in an infectiously catchy melody, combining all the elements that first caught me off guard in one surprising package. 

The tune runs at a mere 3 minute and three seconds, and it feels just right. It’s an incredibly legit song from start to finish, and feels absolutely professionally done, which is the real lesson in all this. I came into this song with a bias, and a lot of my opinion on this song surrounds my subverted expectations of having an influencer such as LILHUDDY make such a sound song. This teaches us that it’s about time that what one does for a living doesn’t mean it can affect their musical capabilities, or any other capabilities for that matter. But for the sake of this review, I can safely consider LILHUDDY a peer of artists such as TMG amongst entertainers that genuinely make great music, and it has definitely opened my eyes for future influencers who wish to delve into the world of music. I shall eagerly wait for their offerings with open ears, and an open heart. 

Nicholas Gaudet
Author: Nicholas Gaudet
Music producer and writer from Dieppe, Canada.