Review: Bored – Matt Watson
- by Nicholas Gaudet
- in Reviews

Sounding like a true and proper progression of “Ouch”, Matt Watson, shows his improvements in both his songwriting and production in his newest single, “Bored”, released with his first music video as a solo artist.
Whenever people think about music made by Youtubers, one might grow a bit skeptical. There are, however, a list of people who’ve proven themselves as wonderful artists coming from the Youtube realm, such as Bo Burnham, Jacob Collier, TMG, and now Matt Watson. He has quite the extensive background, coming from channels such as Supermega, Markiplier, Kids with Problems and Game Grumps, all of which dripping in comedy. Matt has already shown promise in comedy rap, through many mediums, but “Ouch” might’ve come as a surprise for a lot of people. It showed a more vulnerable, serious side from Matt, one that he hasn’t shied from in his podcast alongside co-host Ryan Magee. “Bored” has a similar lo-fi vibe that was consistent in “Ouch”, but this time feels much more confident in its identity. The jazzy chords that give foundation to the track are daring, but work so beautifully in the emotion that Matt conveyed throughout the song. The low bass, coupled with floaty synths and Matt’s relaxed delivery, all works as one wonderfully. Just as you think you understand the vibe; however, the pitch drops considerably, both keeping the tone consistent and changing it drastically. The 808s that kick in later serves as a bridge between the two parts together, quickly bringing the song to what seems like an outro. In a last twist, Matt continues to sing the chorus “I guess I’m just too bored” up until the song comes to a complete stop, bringing the composition to a close. It’s a very interesting approach, and similar to the chords at the beginning of the song, feels very risky. Left in the hands of Matt Watson, however, is performed to near perfection.
It’s no secret from this review that I’m a long-time fan of Matt’s work, and his music journey has been the most exciting to follow. “Bored” proves that Matt is both confident in his tone and abilities, and also improving drastically with each release. With its addictive nature, listeners will surely eagerly test the song’s replayability until Matt releases a new project.
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