Review: Jake Shears - Too Much Music
- by Phil Arnold
- in Reviews
Jake Shears brought about much joy and fun to the music industry with the music of the Scissor Sisters, but now is venturing out on his own. With a distinctive vocal range and experience of writing some dance floor fillers, he is bound to leap from hit to hit with his new releases.
Before we start to think that Jake Shears is suggesting that there is too much music, it would be helpful to point out that in the song this phrase is preceded by the words ‘there could never be’! All of a sudden the song makes sense as a Jake Shears’ upbeat disco masterpiece. Lyrically, we are taken on a journey of happiness and uplifting joy that a relationship and music can bring to one’s life.
From the build up to Too Much Music until the main hook kicks in, Jake Shears does create a sense of mystery about where the song will go. However, when we get the bouncing disco bass and full band kick into our ears it becomes quite clear! What I like about this song is it sounds enough like Jake Shears for his fans to know it’s him, but yet different enough to be a fresh sound to our ears. There are occasional runs where you can hear some Scissor Sister-esque themes but not many. It’s hard not to love this song, it’s happy, upbeat and wonderfully produced.
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