Review: Boygenius' new song - Cool About It

by Phil Arnold
in Reviews
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You may not have heard of Boygenius yet, but you probably know the three artists that make up the band: Julien Baker, Phoebe Bridgers, and Lucy Dacus. They had previously worked together as solo artists on tours but came up with the idea of collaborating after realizing that they had great chemistry. The name is a reference to the frustration they've experienced when working with some male egos in their separate careers. Despite this, it has given them a name to operate under, and we should be grateful for that because the sound they create is exceptional.

The complexity of the lyrics in "Cool About It" makes this song fascinating to listen to. Unusually, the phrase "Cool About It" doesn't appear in the song at all, but it reflects the situation that the song paints a picture of. We are taken on a journey through a relationship that leaves us feeling a sense of sadness towards the end, as one party's feelings towards the other are revealed.

The song starts with a wonderfully balanced guitar that gives the impression of a soft and calm thought-provoking song. The music gradually builds, with a banjo-sounding second guitar and strings accompanying the melody. The second verse and chorus feature string accompaniment that phases out in the third verse before gradually rebuilding. The harmonies build throughout the song in a way that keeps the genuine feel of the song, as the vocal leads change. The melody fits beautifully with the gliding lyrics, which paint a vivid picture of life in the modern world. This song has the potential to be the soundtrack to many people's lives, as the meaning of the lyrics and the power of the song echo through the track's concept.

Phil Arnold
Author: Phil Arnold
Phil Arnold is a musician, producer and music reviewer from Devon, in the South West of England. Whilst not writing music reviews, Phil also writes and records under the name of Ugbrooke.

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    TM · 5 months ago
    The words "cool about it" are 100% in the song. In the end of the first verse that julien sings. "I ask you easy questions about work and school, trying to be cool about it, feeling like an absolute fool about it". Sorry, learning the song on guitar and had to be that guy about their lyrical genius!