Review: Bear's Den's new song - Evelyn

by Phil Arnold
in Reviews

Bear's Den have released four studio albums, with their debut album being released in 2014. With some line up changes, the two main driving forces of the current lineup are Andrew Davie and Kevin Jones.

Their style has captured the huge wave of folk rock popularity that has blossomed over the last decade. This story took me back to being in school. It refers to rumours of two young people being seen together and their friends are making assumptions that there is a romance blossoming, but it becomes clear that this isn’t the case. We can hear that one member desperately is in love with Evelyn, but it seems more of a dream, but then again, you never know! It also made me realise that I don’t think I had ever heard the word plutonic in a song before, but Bear's Den has used it so frequently in Evelyn to describe his situation it certainly makes up for it. To ensure that the story is clear, a song like Evelyn needs simplicity in the music to allow the lyrics to be understood.

What Bear's Den have done here, does exactly that, with guitars, strings, bass and drums, they have created a simple yet intricate tapestry of sound that sits behind a catchy flowing melody line. I really enjoyed this track, it will take the listener back to their innocence of youth and is relatable to many of us.

Phil Arnold
Author: Phil Arnold
Phil Arnold is a musician, producer and music reviewer from Devon, in the South West of England. Whilst not writing music reviews, Phil also writes and records under the name of Ugbrooke.