Multiple review: Hidden gems that recently escaped our radar

by Martín Cacho
in Reviews

As we draw the curtains on the initial month of 2024, the undeniable truth of time's finitude looms over us. Regrettably, it's impossible to cover all the abundance of exceptional music that exists out there. Thus, our aim here is to compile a roster of noteworthy albums and singles that graced our ears in 2023.

In addition to spotlighting well-deserved releases, our intention is to cast a discerning eye on those albums that, despite their merit, found themselves in the shadows of pop media coverage. This list, therefore, metamorphoses into a curated "Discovery List" designed for the audacious listeners eager to traverse the uncharted territories of sound.

Ichiko Aoba´s Meringue Doll

Reflecting on the early years of Ichiko Aoba's career brings forth a mix of joy and melancholy. This intriguing musician seamlessly melded classical guitar technique with her sweet, ethereal voice, resulting in a unique musical proposition. The fusion of "Tarregian" guitar language with elements of Japanese pop, jazz, and traditional Spanish music defined her initial years. However, recent times have witnessed Aoba taking bold strides, delving into experimental collaborations and embracing richer orchestrations.

In her latest release, "Meringue Doll," Aoba departs from her guitar-centric roots, opting instead for a string quartet. This departure showcases her musical versatility and willingness to explore new sonic territories. The album is a beautiful amalgamation of traditional Western music and Japanese pop, inviting listeners to immerse themselves in its captivating soundscape.


Animal Collective: "Isn't it Now?"

For those unfamiliar with Animal Collective, this group boasts a prolific career marked by a consistent stream of new musical material almost each year. Noteworthy is the fact that every member not only contributes to the band's huge output, but they are very active in their own independent musical projects.

Often labeled as "experimental pop," a genre not encountered frequently, Animal Collective crafts music that is not only catchy but also features infectious soundscapes and cheerful melodies. Their exploration extends beyond conventional boundaries, incorporating elements like crazy field recordings, electronic experimentation, and audio manipulation techniques.


XEXA - Vibrac​̧​o​̃​es de Prata

This new release by XEXA is crafted with the following idea in mind: the intention to 'study the feeling of listening to music as an environment one inhabits and not as a sound that follows you throughout the day. Walk into, instead of listening to, an ambience.'

While this may sound a little bit pretentious, the essence of the artist's message is to encourage active listening rather than treating the music as mere background ambience. The tracks showcase features typical of ambient music: interesting field recordings, digitally manipulated instruments (especially the clarinet), harmonized voices, and creative sound design.

However, there is always a clear non-sequential construction in the materials employed. The melodies take unexpected turns, and don't repeat themselves, the harmonies are unconventional and lack the functional urge to move towards a specific place, the timbre is not static, and there is always a contestational logic behind every musical idea.

In essence, it feels like a 20th-century symphony composed of field recordings and sound-designed instruments.

This album will be interesting for explorers, curious listeners, and lovers of experimental music. It might not be ideal if you are seeking background ambiance, as the gravity of the spaces it creates is certainly heavy, demanding your attention unequivocally.


Celia Hollander - 2nd Draft

Celia Hollander's latest project is a mesmerizing exploration of music crafted exclusively for the piano, yet with a distinct twist – the timbre undergoes intriguing digital manipulations. Each track in this collection bears titles connected to planes and clouds, creating a thematic cohesion that adds an extra layer to the listening experience.

One standout piece that has captured my attention is "In Plain Sight." The delicate interplay of beautiful arpeggios creates a sensation that is both light and dreamy. One can't help but ponder what lay in plain sight within Hollander's mind as she conceived this enchanting musical idea.


Martín Cacho
Author: Martín Cacho
Martín is a video game composer, producer and writer from Sonora, México.