tags: latin
- 561. Jennifer Lopez still has it
- (Latest)
- ... for an up tempo song with a definite Latin feel and has been released just as Jennifer Lopez finds new fame being the only female judge on the American Idol show. And the synchronised release of the ...
- Created on 05 March 2011
- 562. Justin Bieber says sorry to paparazzi
- (Latest)
- ... Selena Gomez said that no such incident had occurred and that there was “absolutely no truth” to the rumours. A twitter trend #sorryjustin had people speculating that fans were bust trying to say ...
- Created on 03 March 2011
- 563. X-Factor to be decided via Facebook votes?
- (Latest)
- ... the show and the performances with forums and wall postings relating to each episode flooding the site, this would then prove to be a natural progression in moving talk about the X-Factor on facebook ...
- Created on 25 February 2011
- 564. Ricky Martin to pick up gay award
- (Latest)
- ... out as a game changer for many gay and transgender Latino children, who for far too long did not have many out there gay people to look up to.” He added: “Through his music, videos and interviews, ...
- Created on 11 February 2011
- 565. Rihanna “S&M” video too hot to handle
- (Latest)
- ... steamy video shows Rihanna sucking on a banana, leading famed internet blogger Perez Hilton around on a dogs lead and even simulating sex with a blow up doll. Viewers wanting to see the action for ...
- Created on 02 February 2011